Saturday, November 13, 2010

Will Your Family Join the Revolt Against the TSA?

Determination your family opt absent or submit throughout blessing journey?

Heads up, Thanksgiving travelers. You and your relations could hit a uneven patch in your trip to grandma’s house even before your airplane takes off. There’s talk of a revolt against the Transportation Security Administration on Wednesday, Nov. 24 one of the busiest travel days of the year.

A group calling itself National Opt-Out Day is calling on air travelers all over the state to opt out of the TSA’s full-body scan and in its place submit to the novel better valve down. Even if you make a decision not to contribute, expect delays and really grumpy agents.

So what’s this revolt against the TSA all about? Smart Travel’s Carl Unger beam to the movement’s head manager, Brian Sodegren, who said the protest day is meant to send a message to lawmakers, who are allowing full-body scans in airports without a lot of public education or input.


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