Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Heart Attack Grill restaurant offers free Bypass Burgers to diners who weigh over 350 pounds

At The Heart Attack Grill in Arizona, the additional you weigh, the additional you get.

The kitschy medically-themed eating place is now offering free meal to anyone weigh over 350 pounds.

To hawk the new special, the "house of the Double Bypass Burger" has enlisted plus-size spokesman Blair River, who tips the weighing machine at 570 pounds.

"Other diets don't deliver results," River says in a new YouTube ad for the restaurant. "But I've made incredible progress on the 'Heart Attack Grill' diet. A couple months ago, I was wearing these," he adds, holding up a small-waisted pair of pants.

The eatery, which serves burgers ranging from the "Single Bypass" to the "Quadruple Bypass," boasts waitresses dressed in sexy nurse uniforms who refer to the customers as "patients."

Want a Diet Coke? You're in the wrong place. There are no diet sodas, just "flat line fries" not poisonous unapologetically in lard.

Ironically, the restaurant is owned by Jon Basso, a previous nutritionist who used to run Jenny Craig weight-loss centers in Oklahoma, according to the Arizona Republic.

Basso is also featured in the YouTube ad, in which he wears a lab coat and identifies himself as "Dr. Jon, Founder of the 'Heart Attack Grill Diet.'"

"I for myself guarantee a stable upward progression of body weight while you're enjoying great tasting foods," he says with a smile. "Along with a chilly beer and cigarette, it's a diet you can stick to for life."

But eater be careful: The ad wincingly includes a long list of possible side effects, such as "sudden weight gain, repeated increase of clothes size, back pain, male breast growth, loss of sexual connections, lung cancer, tooth decay, liver sclerosis stroke and an inability to see your penis."

Not to talk about that "in some cases mild death may occur."

Let's hope their food lives up their motto - a "taste worth dying for!"


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