Wednesday, August 4, 2010

how did farrah s baby daddy die

yeah, it seems like she hates farrah. She just likes sophia because she's a cute baby. I'm not at all surprised by that baby book thing, of course she liked her daughter when she was cute and couldn't talk. But sorry mom, you have to KEEP loving .... To be honest, if it were my son who did the knocking up, his ass would be getting a job ASAP. My daughter, her boyfriend/baby daddy better get a job too. I'd support them emotionally and do a few things for them monetarily, ...
See Farrah's mom for examples on how to do this correctly, because that lady has crazy down pat! ) teen mom. Is it just me or did Farrah's mom remind you of the crazy mom from the movie “Carrie?” Just sayin….even the way she talks creeps me out. Anyway, despite the fact that most of the time Farrah is just a whining brat that is in desperate need of a frying pan to the face, I do feel bad for her. Crazy mom, dead boyfriend, a baby without a daddy…all she needs is a broken ...


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