Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Apple iPhone 4 spread to other countries

Apple said that its latest generation iPhone will be available from Friday for more than a dozen other countries. The company shifting cultivation has sold over three million smartphones since its launch a month ago in France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and the United States. iPhone sales will increase four to 30 July in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The iPhone 4 sells for 199 dollars in the United States for the 16 gigabyte model and 299 dollars for the 32GB model. Apple last week began doling out iPhone 4 bumpers to address concerns that touching certain parts of the handset chokes telecom signal strength. In true Apple style, free bumpers were made available through an application that could be downloaded to iPhones from the Cupertino, California-company’s online iTunes shop. The gadget-maker is hoping a 29-dollar rubber-and-plastic case will put an end to the debate over the antenna on what Apple chief executive Steve Jobs calls “perhaps the best product we’ve ever made. ” Apple said at its website that the bumper, which fits around the sides of the phone, will be free to all buyers of the iPhone 4 through the end of September.


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