Saturday, December 11, 2010

SMU Death Penalty To Be Aired In ESPN 30

The SMU Death Penalty will be aired today on ESPN 30. Try to catch the following details below from NCAA Football Fanhouse for more:
After being discovered, SMU proposed a series of penalties and vowed to obey the rules, but still saw the NCAA committee vote to cancel the school's entire 1987 season. The "death penalty" actually allows the NCAA to cancel a program for two years; the only thing that spared SMU from that fate was its cooperation with the investigation.
The full penalties included the 1987 cancellation, the cancellation of all 1988 home games, the extension of existing probation to 1990, the extension of existing bowl game and live television bans to 1989, the loss of 55 new scholarships over four years, the concrete ban of nine boosters, a reduction in the number of assistant coaches the school was allowed to hire, and a ban on off-campus recruiting until 1988.
Try to catch some more about SMU Death Penalty on ESPN for more.


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