Wednesday, July 21, 2010

so im watching if you really knew me

so im watching if you really knew me....

and i think MTV is well on its way to being decent again.

hear me out.

i don't know if anyone else has watched this, but shit's a tearjerker. this is coming from me---me, the insensitive bitch who boo's during most, if not all, movie/TV death scenes. i am completly desensitized. and you know what? i teared the.fuck. up.

the show is basically about this shit called Challenge Day, right? and its kind of like those shittastic drug assemblies that're shoved down your throat, or those confidence speakers that come in and tell you to love yourself. these guys come in and the main difference is that it actually requires you to participate. its not just a bunch of dudes talking for two hours and getting you out of class. its a process. and you have to talk about whats on your mind and your problems and the whole point is that the cliques are mixing and you have to know each other better. i heard about it and i scoffed and was all like, "yeah, thats gonna stick" *sarcasm*. the trailers made it seem as though there would be some serious bitches to beat down and i, of course, only watch reality TV for the bitches. so i flipped it on (right after Teen Mom, an hour long hot mess for another day) (PS: future boyfriend? BE LIKE TYLER) and got ready to point and mock and roll some serious pupils. then it started.

i dont know...maybe im softening up. but i just thought, this is really fucking different. it doesnt have that fakeness or stupidity of all the other reality shows out there, especially the ones MTV itself has shat out. everything just felt crazy geniune and it was just sad the way these cheerleaders were showing everyone the scars from when they tried to kill themselves and it was awesome to see this popular bitch walk right into the loser section and search out one of the "losers" she met during the Challenge Day shit. i dont know. its basically like the breakfast club.

ill be watching next week.

Monday, July 19, 2010

C.J. Watson

Bulls get C.J. Watson for 2nd rounder

The Chicago Bulls and Golden State Warriors have accomplished a sign-and-trade for C.J. Watson, according to sources. Watson, who was a controlled free agent, will be deal to Chicago in replace for a second round pick. He has decided to a three year, $10.2 million deal with the Bulls.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Who is Kerligirl13? I don’t know who she is but she seems to be on top of the searches today. Is she an actress? A supermodel? Kerligirl13? No results online for Kerligirl13. Who is she? I will try to search for more information on this girl or whatever this is.
So you want the whole story about Kerligirl13? Check out the steamy photo below and you’ll understand. You think none of this makes any sense, like it’s all gibberish and spam, but really–and I hate to be the one to break this to you–you’re just not very literate. This just in: Kerligirl13. You heard it here first. We’ve received so many hits our server almost crashed. UPDATE: Kerligirl13. This is even crazier than that Winnebago Destruction Derby. As reported by TMZ, the photos are legitimate. Our experts have examined them for tampering and the results are negative.

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